🖥️ 1. Creating VPS

I recommend Hetzner Cloud

<aside> ✅ You have set up a VPS, and you are able to log in to it.


📥️ 2. Installing dokku

Now we will install dokku on our newly created VPS. You need to check the latest version of dokku. Go to https://dokku.com/ , copy and paste these commands to your server terminal.


<aside> ✅ We created a dokku user on VPS.


🔐 3. Setup SSH key and Virtualhost Settings

  1. Next, we will add an ssh key for dokku user.
# [email protected]
cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys | sudo dokku ssh-keys:add admin

2.1 After that, we can set up a global domain for your app.

My IP server is

# [email protected]
dokku domains:set-global

2.2 Another option is adding a DNS (but you must add 2 records to your DNS provider - .domain.tld and domain.tld)


# [email protected]
dokku domains:set-global domain.tld

<aside> ✅ Check domains with the command: dokku domains:report
